architecture, design and other conversations

Amphicyrtous / travel diaries - photography - miscellanea

amphicyrtous: -η, -ο (Α ἀμφίκυρτος, -ον) [etymology < ἀμφι-* + κυρτός.

curved on both sides /gibbous / phase of moon or planet between first quarter and full or between full and last quarter / convex / a convex lens drives the diverging, or blurred, light rays from a distant object to converge at a focal point

A little afternoon

In between deadlines and sleepy days and on a pretty break of sunny weather I went on a little trip to Pelion. These pictures are not my usual nature collection, I was on a different mood of experimentation.There's no denying that Pelion is a beautiful place, lots of trees, snow, pretty picturesque villages.... but this set of pictures won't reveal you any of that. You'll have to find it for yourselves:)