architecture, design and other conversations

Amphicyrtous / travel diaries - photography - miscellanea

amphicyrtous: -η, -ο (Α ἀμφίκυρτος, -ον) [etymology < ἀμφι-* + κυρτός.

curved on both sides /gibbous / phase of moon or planet between first quarter and full or between full and last quarter / convex / a convex lens drives the diverging, or blurred, light rays from a distant object to converge at a focal point

Inhabit Part One - Intrusion

I am officially free to do anything I want now. After presenting my thesis for my architecture degree, I can safely say that summer begins..... So here are some pictures that have been patiently waiting in my drawer... no I'm lying, they were waiting in my hard drive. They were taken inside the old house me and Anastasia have found two or three months ago, close to the 'Breathe a Secret' setting.

It's a kind of trilogy thing, hope it turns out cohesive!