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Amphicyrtous / travel diaries - photography - miscellanea

amphicyrtous: -η, -ο (Α ἀμφίκυρτος, -ον) [etymology < ἀμφι-* + κυρτός.

curved on both sides /gibbous / phase of moon or planet between first quarter and full or between full and last quarter / convex / a convex lens drives the diverging, or blurred, light rays from a distant object to converge at a focal point

Mosquitoes in December. Why not flowers?


Mosquitoes in December by Tesoulin Photography

And my archive gladly answers to my question by providing me some long lost images. Because I actually have a mosquito in my room and it's f%&%ing December. And I live in the Northern Hemisphere. Well it seems to mean nothing as in two weeks or so the poles will reverse and the earth will explode and the Mayas will roll in their graves and cry out "TOLD YOU SO, BITCHES". Until then enjoy some spring flora and some self-portraits (categorized in spring fauna). And a partial lunar eclipse as seen on June 15 2011. Fresh stuff!

For the self portraits and the eclipse I used a Canon 50mm F1.8 on my Canon 500D, for the flowers I use a manual Helios 44-2 58mm F2.

Mosquitoes in December by Tesoulin PhotographyMosquitoes in December by Tesoulin PhotographyMosquitoes in December by Tesoulin PhotographyMosquitoes in December by Tesoulin PhotographyMosquitoes in December by Tesoulin PhotographyMosquitoes in December by Tesoulin Photography