Milk of the Poppy Jewels Lookbook 2013
Amphicyrtous and Milk of the Poppy proudly present:
The 2013 Milk of the Poppy Jewels Lookbook
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We finally can present you the completed lookbook featuring Pinelopi's beautiful jewellery. It was a long process..... It started with the conception and creation of the jewellery by Pinelopi who is, among other awesome stuff, a talented artist. In her own words,
The main idea was the name of my brand, milk of the poppy, in other words opium. We wanted a scene that would exude an air of mystery and magic.
Then came the part of designing and forming an identity for the Milk of the Poppy brand, including the logo and the lookbook. We focused the layout on the jewellery itself, and we accompanied it with three main elements hand drawn by Pinelopi: The Fox Skull, the Poppy and the Eye, elements prominent in the collection. It was a great and time-consuming endeavor that we had never tried before, and we are really proud of the result :)