architecture, design and other conversations

Amphicyrtous / travel diaries - photography - miscellanea

amphicyrtous: -η, -ο (Α ἀμφίκυρτος, -ον) [etymology < ἀμφι-* + κυρτός.

curved on both sides /gibbous / phase of moon or planet between first quarter and full or between full and last quarter / convex / a convex lens drives the diverging, or blurred, light rays from a distant object to converge at a focal point

Full Moon in Athens


...Χωρίς φωτογραφίες του φεγγαριού. Γύρω από την Ακρόπολη, λαοθάλασσα, σκούντημα, γλίστρημα στα μάρμαρα. Φιλοπάππου, ησυχία, αεράκι, σέλφιζ και μή και κουβέντες μεταξύ παιδιών που δεν πιστεύεις ότι ακούς. "Να φοράω την μπέρτα μου και να προστατεύω αυτήν εδώ την πόλη"...."Σωτήρη μου, εσύ το παρατράβηξες. Το κορίτσι θέλει φρένο!" I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon

I wish I was the moon